Last night I packed her lunch, laid out a set of clothes, as well as a second set for her bag, washed her hair and trimmed her nails. This morning after an extra big breakfast we were off to school, picking up Nan on the way. When we arrived I was happy to find out that she was in the same classroom as last year with the same Teacher. But the Teacher’s Aide was new and, to my great shock, she was in a classroom of all boys. I thought perhaps that there would be one or two boys in her class, but to be the only girl? I was very disappointed and knew straight away that I did not want Elizabeth in this class. Elizabeth needed social role models and boys are not social at the best of times. None of them even looked Elizabeth’s way. Elizabeth seemed very happy when I left her but there was no way she was going to remain in a classroom of boys for the entire year.
As soon as I got home I rang the head of the EDCP, Bronwyn, to discuss my concerns. She thought Elizabeth would do well in that class as they were at all the same level and they would work on the tasks together, unlike last year where she thought that the other girls babied Elizabeth. Elizabeth really came ahead last year because she was with a group of older girls who proved to be excellent role models. In the end, she agreed to move Elizabeth to another classroom that had a few girls. I certainly don’t want to be one of those nuisance Mum’s but I know what is best for my daughter and I am glad I stood my ground on this issue. Perhaps, if there was one other girl in the class I would have been more contented to let things be. Now, I just have to contact work to see if I can change my roster …
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