

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Elizabeth's Op

After eight courses of antibiotics over the last six months, my daughter finally had her adenoids removed and grommets inserted yesterday. Although I have no health insurance I still opted to go private as I could not imagine letting my daughter going through another two years of hell just to save a few bucks. Even though it was only day surgery we were admitted to a private room with plenty of tea and coffee on hand. The room was beautifully painted with rainbows and playground scenes and the nurses were just wonderful. They certainly did not have the harassed air of those we often met in emergency. Elizabeth was the first cab of the rank so she was in and out pretty quickly. After sleeping deeply for about three hours after the operation she woke up in high spirits chatting away in that little babble of hers. Of course, two hours later she started to come down from her high but as soon as I curled up next to her on the bed she fell back into a deep sleep for another eight hours.

It is such a relief to have this operation over and done with. Her adenoids were really enlarged which attributed to her sleeping difficulties and being on antibiotics all the time was beginning to wear on her health. I am also hoping that with the improvement in her hearing she might start talking. Turning five next month, the statistics of her being able to talk are getting less and less as she gets older. Here’s hoping that 2011 is the year for miracles.