

Thursday, November 26, 2009

No improvement

Today at Elizabeth’s Speech and Occupational Therapy appointment the Senior Therapist at the centre was asked to sit in as they were at a lost of how to continue with Elizabeth. At first I thought because they were both young they were just seeking the opinion of a more experienced therapist. That is until the Senior Therapist asked whether she could speak with me in another room. She had the last two years of therapy reports on her lap and asked whether I had seen any progress in Elizabeth. I immediately spoke about how much Elizabeth’s level of anxiety had improved. When before she would just cry and cry if you tried to take her into the room she would now sit quite happily at the desk with the therapist for half an hour. But that is not what the therapist had in mind. She was deeply concerned that in the last year and a half Elizabeth had made no progress both in communication and the table tasks she gets set. I was a little floored by this. She wanted permission to speak to Elizabeth’s Paediatrician to discuss what chromosomal tests had been conducted as she had a niggling suspicion that Elizabeth’s disabilities went beyond her autism. Despite all her challenges my daughter is a beautiful, happy little girl and I will never give up hope. But boy, life just keeps throwing punches.